Breast cancer forms in the cells in the breast. It is in both men and women. However, it is more diagnosed in women. It is the second most common type of cancer after skin cancer. There is significant progress on breast cancer treatment. The survival rate is higher, and the number of deaths connected to it has declined significantly.
As it’s commonly said, prevention is better than cure. It is advisable to prevent getting the disease rather than seek treatment. Regular check-ups, known as a mammogram, incorporated with a healthy lifestyle, helps to prevent cancer. Healthy habits include routine check-ups, a balanced diet, weight management, and vigorous exercises. Discussed below are four prevention measures women should know about;
1.Mammogram Tests
A mammogram is a breast cancer screening through x-ray. The process involves the use of low energy to screen the breast for any masses. The process helps with the early detection of breast cancer. The screening has saved many lives since the early detection of breast cancer makes it treatable and less painful. Health professionals advise women to start mammogram tests at the age of 40. The test’s regularity varies with the age of the woman.
From the age of 40 to 44, the woman can commence annual screening if they would wish to. As stated by Bedford Breast Center, it’s essential to check out a facility offering the tests and do the tests often. From the age of 45 to 54, they must do yearly screening. Women past this age bracket can have the check-up annually or every two years.
In Connecticut, there are various medical facilities that offer mammogram tests. Most of these health centers have state-of-the-art equipment that guarantees accurate results. There are also different cancer support groups in CT that offer emotional, psychological, and physical support to breast cancer patients and survivors. They also provide a platform for women to connect with others going through similar experiences. So, if you’re in CT and need support or information on mammogram tests, reach out to these support groups for assistance.
2.Healthy Balanced Diet
A balanced and healthy diet plays a measurable role in breast cancer prevention. Dietary fats increase the risk of getting cancer as there is a possibility of being overweight. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains help to reduce the risk of you developing cancer. Health care providers recommend half of the meal should be fruits and vegetables, and the other half be carbohydrates and proteins.
It’s advisable to eat more plant foods than animal proteins and processed foods. As you take a healthy diet, there are foods which one should limit.
Limit or stop alcohol intake altogether. Alcohol consumption increases the chances of getting cancers such as breast, liver, esophagus, and throat cancers. A woman is advised to take one beer per day, and men can have two beers. Women who drink regularly and heavily have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
3.Maintain Healthy Weight
It’s advisable to maintain a healthy weight at all times. An overweight person has more fat than bones and muscles. Such women have a higher chance of getting cancer. Including breast cancer, especially after the menopause stage. According to health practitioners, there is a strong link between excess body fat and cancer. Weight management helps a person to reduce this risk significantly. It as well helps to prevent chronic conditions that can increase the risk of cancer development.
Once treated and healed of cancer, an overweight person has the risk of recurrence of the disease and even mortality. It’s advisable to consult the doctor where weight matters are concerned. It will help to understand the risk you have if you are obese. This is essential as it does not mean everyone who is overweight risks getting cancer.
4.Regular Exercises
Physically active women are less likely to get breast cancer than those who do not exercise. Physical activity helps to regulate the body’s hormone levels and increases digestion. The exercises help to manage weight which, when excess, would be another risk.
Exercise helps women with breast cancer to cope better with the side effects of treatment. They as well have a higher survival rate. For better physical strength, one should avoid sitting for long. It’s advisable to slot in at least two or three minutes’ exercises for every hour one is seated. Health care providers recommend at least 75 minutes of vigorous and 150 minutes of moderate exercises each week. Walking, yoga and household chores are moderate exercises. When doing vigorous activities, one cannot converse well. If you can comfortably talk when exercising, that is a mild exercise. Vigorous exercises include jogging, running, cycling, and aerobics.
5.Limit Hormonal Therapy
Breast cancer is affected by hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. The breast cancer cell’s receptors attach themselves to the hormones. The cancer cells grow, and this increases the risk of breast cancer. Consult your doctor if you are interested in post-menopausal hormonal therapy. Hormonal therapy reaches all cancer cells in the body, and therefore, it is sensitive for women who have tumors whose cells are receptor-positive. If you decide to have hormonal therapy because of its benefits, do it for the short term and at the lowest dose possible. As you go through the treatment, have your doctor monitor your health all through.
6.Stop Smoking
The tobacco in cigarettes contains chemicals that harm the primary and secondary smokers. A little tobacco smoke is harmful. At least 250 out of the 7,000 chemicals in tobacco are said to be dangerous. Of the 250 harmful elements, 69 can cause cancer. Some of the harmful elements are hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, and carbon monoxide.
Both smokers and non-smokers know the risks of smoking. This habit lowers life’s quality. It increases the risk of stroke, heart disease, and different cancers. One of the cancers it causes is breast cancer. It is advisable to stop smoking. Quitting smoking reduces the risk of cancer by 30% to 50%. Smoking has no benefit to the body, and a smoker should quit the habit to prevent getting all the harmful effects from it.
The above list of healthy lifestyle behaviors lowers your risk of developing breast cancer. The habits have as well a positive impact on your health as you get to enjoy improved health. You will improve your blood circulation, develop a healthy respiratory system, have healthy eating habits, an optimized immune system, longer life expectancy, increased energy levels, and manage your weight. As you continue with these breast cancer preventative measures, you will lower the risk of getting other cancers and reduce the chances of developing heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Therefore, the practices will be for your overall benefit.