My makeup artist journey started 9 years ago. I have always loved art in all of its beautiful and unique forms. Drawing, painting, sketching. You name it and I wanted to try it. I saw beauty in the strange and unusual in this world. And I wanted to embrace it all. Then, my life would take a drastic turn. A major injury to my shoulder which affected all of the nerves and movement. Holding a pencil or a brush became excruciatingly painful. After months of physical therapy, I picked up a brush again. Only instead of joy, I only felt pain. Painting on a large scale was painful and I felt like my world lost all color that day. I was lost. Until I picked up a cheap face painting kit and started painting small things on my chest or thighs. Suddenly, my world was brighter than it had ever been. So I started experimenting more with bodypainting and makeup. And I started researching and discovered that it’s a job. People do this! So I got to work. I put in long
Fashion Sizzle 2023-New York Fashion Week
Photo :Joe Swift
Fashion Sizzle 2023-New York Fashion Week
Photo :Joe Swift